We are reader-supported. Purchases made through links on our site may earn us a commission. Learn More. The biggest smash hit game of the summer (and subsequently the quickest to fizzle out) was running on the Unity engine. Do you know what we’re talking about? Pokemon GO! Certainly, a game that was fun while it […]
Knowledge is Power - Learn Digital Design
These archives include all posts related to learning video game design, game development, and art as it applies to games and apps.
We've included our own in-depth tutorials and guides, as well as links to some of our favorite online resources for you to continue your education. You can find recommended game design college programs here.
If you're brand new to game design and development start with the posts listed below, these are our most popular articles from this category. Once you get a basic idea of what you're looking for, then you can navigate through the rest of our posts.
If you’re new to the game and are unsure of what tools or software to get started with, I suggest reading the two posts below and go from there. They will give you a good sense of the industry and point you in the direction of further learning.
Some Popular articles from this category:
Learn How to Make iOS Games with these Free Game Development Tutorials
According to Apple, “Swift is a robust and intuitive programming language created by Apple for building apps for iOS, Mac, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. It’s designed to give developers more freedom than ever. Swift is easy to use and open-source, so anyone with an idea can create something incredible.” Because of Swift’s popularity and […]
How to Develop Unforgettable Video Game Characters
Everyone has one… Do you know what we’re talking about? Favorite characters, of course! Everyone has a favorite video game character, whether they admit it or not. You can ask just about anyone what their favorite video game character is, and they’ll have an answer for you. They don’t even have to be avid gamers. […]
Excellent Java Game Development Tutorials
We are reader-supported. Purchases made through links on our site may earn us a commission. Learn More. Java is a widely used game development programming language because of its versatility. It is one of the go-to options for developers to create apps and games on mobile and desktop. In fact, some of the top mobile […]
Video Game Translator: Why Games Need Translators and How To Become One
If you have ever played a very old video game and had an extremely hard time trying to figure out where to go next or what is going on in the scene because the words are jumbled or don’t make sense, you’ve experienced video game translation in its infancy. The industry has changed exponentially over […]
Level Design: How to Engage & Motivate Players
You could own a restaurant and have the best food in the entire world. If the interior looks like crap and you filled the place to bursting with chairs and tables, no one is going to come to eat at your restaurant! Excellent food or not! Much in the way that creating an entire experience […]
Flash Game Development & The Best Flash Games
In 2017, Adobe released a statement that shook many veteran Internet users to their cores. More or less, Adobe was cutting the cord to its cornerstone program, Flash. Since 1996, Flash had been a dominant and memorable computer program in use by people of all ages. The games provided by talented contributors were time-killers, sure, […]
When Is The Right Time To Ask For Gamers’ Feedback?
When you make a game, you want to like it. You need to like it. It’s like a baby to you. We get it. The thing about games is…well…it isn’t enough for you to like it. You need other people to like it too. That’s the point, right? Designing games is all about executing on […]
Graphic Design vs Video Game Design: Which Career Match Your Skills?
It may not seem obvious, but game design and graphic design are intrinsically linked. Graphic designers are an important part of the game design process, and often inform the work of game designers. However, there are some key differences between the two, and anyone looking for work in the games industry should understand them. What […]
HTML5 Video Game Development Tutorials
HTML5 is the standard language for everyone’s favorite worldwide web. It was developed by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). This is a great language to learn if you’re looking to deliver applications across more than one platform. The latest and greatest version of HTML these days is HTML5. In 2008 the “first draft” of HTML5 […]
Using Math to Develop Excellent Video Games
We are reader-supported. Purchases made through links on our site may earn us a commission. Learn More. Beneath all those cool character animations, smart enemies, and fun game mechanics in your favorite games is one thing: math. Mathematics is the foundation of every game and necessary for everything to work as the designers intended. This […]
Buildbox Drag-and-Drop Video Game Dev
Have you heard of BuildBox yet? Let’s talk about it! Buildbox is a game development platform. Unlike some traditional game development platforms, there’s no code involved with BuildBox. As the name suggests, you just drag and drop to build games. Nice and easy. Is It Any Good? Since it’s release in January of 2015, over […]
Video Game Designer Education Requirements
We are reader-supported. Purchases made through links on our site may earn us a commission. Learn More. So, you’re thinking about becoming a video game designer. Maybe your sister’s boyfriend mentioned something about it recently. Or maybe you’ve wanted to be involved in the creative process for video games ever since you first started playing […]
3D Modeling for Games and Animation
What is 3D Modeling? 3D modeling is the use of computers to create images and graphics that look to have three dimensions. Advanced 3D animation software programs like Autodesk Maya and 3ds Max as well as some coding knowledge are required to be able to create your own 3D models. The basic process involves connecting […]
3 Primary Game Design Principles To Keep in Mind
We are reader-supported. Purchases made through links on our site may earn us a commission. Learn More. I had no special training at all; I am completely self taught. I don’t fit the mold of a visual arts designer or a graphic designer. I just had a strong concept about what a game designer is. […]
Using Twine To Develop Your Video Game
Getting started with game design can be a very daunting task. Whether you’ve designed games before or not, Twine can serve as a quick and easy way to rapidly develop new games. We’ll talk a little bit about the best ways to go about using Twine for making games, but first, we need to talk […]
Console Video Game Development: Are You Ready To Tackle A Huge Project?
If you’re a big video game fan, (and it’s likely that you are since you’re here reading this…) you’ve probably played a lot of games! That’s what we fans do! Everyone has their favorites (naturally), but there are some of us out there who, every once in a while, entertain the idea of making a […]
Choose the Right Video Game Design Major
We are reader-supported. Purchases made through links on our site may earn us a commission. Learn More. The popularity of game design has exploded as everyone realized that games aren’t going anywhere. This billion-dollar industry is here to stay. This wealth doesn’t mean continually explosive job growth in the industry, but the growth is on […]
The Mobile Game Design Essential Checklist
It only takes a few seconds of browsing through the App Store or Google Play market to see the incredible number of games available today. We can’t imagine being the guy or gal who has to keep track of how many new games pop up on both platforms. With so many people making games these […]
Video Game Mechanics for Beginners
We are reader-supported. Purchases made through links on our site may earn us a commission. Learn More. To understand what a game mechanic is, first it’s important to be familiar with another term important to video games: gameplay. While it can vary depending on who you ask, the gameplay is essentially how the player interacts […]
Video Game Sound Design 101
What is Video Game Sound Design? Video game sound design is the art of creating and adding audio elements to a video game. This involves creating entire libraries of custom sound effects to give the game a sense of realism and uniqueness. The sound effects must then be implemented properly to the images that will […]
Android App and Game Development Tutorials
Java is arguably the most common programming language used to create Android apps. Lucky for you, we’ve already done some legwork and put together a similar article for exclusively Java tutorials. If you haven’t checked that article out already, we highly recommend it. There are indeed other ways to develop games for Android, but you […]