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Ever since 1995, JavaScript has been an essential part of the internet. Along with HTML, JavaScript has been instrumental in bringing web pages we browse to life, allowing aspects to be interactive.
It’s easily one of the most widely used and most important programming languages that we have ever come across in our daily internet travels.
It is also recommended for those interested in software-related fields of study and development to learn JavaScript inside and out to better your skills and make learning further things a breeze.
Can JavaScript be used to make games? Yes, JavaScript has been the basis for many games over the years.
What about its friend, HTML?
Can HTML be used to make games? Affirmative. HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), has and is being used to create games all the time. HTML uses basic coding and language to make things appear on a webpage. Everything you see, (even this!) is possible due to aspects of HTML.
But back to JavaScript. Of course, people are not exactly going to turn to JavaScript for the newest gaming releases. JavaScript stresses smaller projects by a smaller group of people: perhaps an indie game studio, a teenager on the family computer, and many more.
These games aren’t just diversions either. They can be great pieces of art and skill, teasing your brain and keeping your hand-eye coordination on top. One, in particular, 2048, a mobile game, has had my girlfriend glued to her phone for the past month. JavaScript games are functional and fun, even today.
How to Make Games With Javascript
FreeCodeCamp.org’s Youtube
YouTube videos can be an invaluable resource for visual learners. A step-by-step guide introducing JavaScript and the capabilities over this 1 hour+ long video is a real eye-opener for those who are interested in JavaScript projects. In it, the narrator goes through every step in creating a game similar to ‘Breakout’. He goes through each command, meticulously setting up the game and its features.
Want to know how to make games using JavaScript? You need to type in code commands on what you want to happen in the game.
YouTuber mmtuts opens his informational video with an encouraging aside that JavaScript is easier than other coding languages for games. This video is but one of a bunch of videos he has in his game development course spanning multiple videos in which he explores many different aspects of game development.
He goes over, in detail, how to edit different lines of code, creating different objects in an RPG/Battle area type of game. This video clocks in at a little over 30 minutes, and is one of the few on JavaScript specifically, so you have a few resources here.
This site rules.
It is exhaustive in its information, which you will be more than grateful for. In just three sentences, w3 schools have you hooked. “JavaScript is the programming language of HTML and the Web. JavaScript is easy to learn. This tutorial will teach you JavaScript from basic to advanced.” Boom.
If you still have not checked the site out, let me fill you in. There are a ton of Javascript game tutorials. Not only that but a ton of interactive exercises will walk you through the basics of JavaScript, eventually leading you to the more advanced aspects.
In the end, you can earn your developer ‘certificate’. Not bad! For my money, this is the best non-official tutorial you can access for JavaScript game development.
Official JavaScript Site
Where better to get your start than from the actual JavaScript website? Spanning over 14 sections with multiple subsections, (in just the first section!), JavaScript’s tutorials are great resources for a budding gamer looking to develop a game using JavaScript.
In three massive sections, the site leaves no stone unturned, showing you exactly what you need to do to create.
In the beginning, you are introduced to basic commands and functions of JavaScript. Prompts, loops, variables; it is all here in part one.
Just when I thought that the 14 sections of the tutorial were a lot, I kept scrolling and found myself looking at parts 2 and 3, each consisting of more than 5 different categories with subsections as well.
Put this site in your bookmarks, because I promise you will keep coming back to it for valuable reference. Of course, if you run into any problems, you can easily reach support staff at JavaScript.
Tutorials Point
Another great web database, the folks at Tutorials Point have dedicated a large chunk of their site to guide those who want to use JavaScript for game development.
The left side of the screen is the quick toolbar to jump to any of the different subsections of the tutorial. They start with basics about JavaScript, namely how popular it is and why it is a great avenue to take for game development.
Once you get past introductions, you are shown simple lines of code and syntax. All of that complicated-looking mumbo jumbo? Guess what: it is pretty simple once you get the hang of it.
These guys are meticulous, telling you about colons, line spaces, basically, all the little things that other tutorials may overlook when educating you. I know for me, I would probably get hung up on a simple problem like case sensitivity, which this tutorial will talk about.
After a truly extensive tutorial, rife with prefabricated code commands to make life easier, they even have further documentation and even a JavaScript FAQ.
4 Tips To Learn JavaScript

Getting Started: The Basics
No need to rush headlong into the more advanced stuff. Really lean into the basics. Learn the interface as well as the fundamentals.
Use A Code Editor
Examine and practice lines of code by downloading existing ones. Explore your options and cobble together some basics.
Always Have A Reference Guide Handy
This is key. There is a ton of documentation and guides available, and having one available to you at all times can help you out big time.
Find People To Learn JavaScript With
This is a surprisingly fun and helpful method. If you have a buddy who is also learning JavaScript at the same time, see if you can’t team up and bounce coding ideas off one another.
Are There Javascript Prerequisites?
Should I learn HTML and CSS before jumping into JavaScript?
This is a good idea. It takes considerably less time to learn HTML and CSS, so you really have nothing to lose. It then builds up your knowledge of how syntax and programming languages interact with one another.
Is there anything else I should know before immersing myself in this?
Yes. Be patient. Programming doesn’t come naturally to many, so you may grow frustrated at times for not fully grasping ideas and concepts. Stay vigilant and keep reference guides and tutorials handy!
Which should I learn first: Javascript or Html/CSS?
Frankly, do you need to know HTML to learn JavaScript? It’s completely up to you, but I think you should absolutely learn these languages before JavaScript. They’re a great crash course in all things coding and programming.
JavaScript Career Opportunities
Frontend Developer
A Front-end developer is one that uses code to primarily deal with the graphical interface on websites and software. Frontend web developers are responsible for what you see on this site.
Node Developer
A node developer is a specialization that’s growing in popularity. Node developers use Node.js to develop and code back-end components of applications for websites. They work closely with Front-end developers.
Full-Stack Developer
A Fullstack developer specializes in both client and server software, using coding languages like JS, HTML/CSS. They help program browsers and servers.
JavaScript Projects for Beginners
This is a fun and valuable little exercise to flex your syntax muscles. It teaches you positions and modifications to existing objects.
Another simple exercise, this one familiarizes you with creating user interfaces and having them interact with the coding language. It’s simple yet extremely effective.
Amazing JS Games
This addicting puzzle game has the player merge tiles into one another. Sounds simple, right? The catch is that the tiles need to be identical in number to be able to merge. I dare you to put this game down!
The fantastic Russian block puzzle game obviously has to make an appearance. Simple in appearance yet addicting in gameplay, not only is Tetris a consistently fun game, but it can also help you design further games in JavaScript.
Gods Will Be Watching
This unique survival game by Deconstructeam and Devolver Digital has the players thrown into challenging situations where key decisions must be made in order to survive. Blending a captivating sci-fi plot with harrowing decisions and some great characters, this is a challenging game to make you feel like your decisions have a ton of weight.
Javascript FAQ
What is JavaScript?
JS is one of the most well-known programming languages.
Why learn JS?
JS can be extremely useful for beginner programmers. It is flexible and forgiving through its dynamic typing, syntax, and more.
Why is JavaScript one of the best coding languages to start with?
JavaScript is a reliable coding language with a very flexible set of syntax, basically a set of rules. It also works on all of the major browsers, allowing for great integration and streamlined access. Once you learn JavaScript, you can more easily pick up the basics of many other programming languages.
What games are made with JavaScript?
Bejeweled, Gods Will Be Watching, CrossCode, HexGL
Can I teach myself JavaScript?
Absolutely! There are more than enough resources for you to
How long will it take to learn JavaScript?
Depending on your skill level as a programmer, it can take anywhere from an average of six to nine months of dedicated learning to fully get the hang of JavaScript.
Is udemy good for learning JavaScript?
Definitely. Udemy offers multiple JavaScript courses, from beginner to advanced.
How do I start learning JavaScript?
Check out many of the tutorials and videos available online
Is HTML necessary for JavaScript?
No, but it can inadvertently be one of the best ways to learn JavaScript.
Can we learn JavaScript without knowing HTML?
Yes, but learning HTML is a good building block to have to get your familiar with the coding process, potentially making your JavaScript journey easier.
How much time do I need to learn JavaScript?
You should dedicate a few months of your time to learning JavaScript. Build a robust schedule and keep it consistent. Practice and read up on some tutorials.
Should I learn JavaScript before HTML and CSS?
It is highly recommended that you do so. Learning these two can help you better understand the impact that certain languages have on each other. This will help your game-building process.
Can you make a game in JavaScript?
Yes, and there are quite a few great examples of games built using JavaScript
Ready to Learn Javascript?
Is JavaScript good for games? Yes, but it is up to one’s preference and skill in game development. Not that JavaScript is easy per se, but you can get the hang of it quicker than more advanced programs and engines. Not that making an iteration of ‘Snake’, is a bad thing! Sometimes simple is great, even ideal.
Games like Angry Birds have made a long-lasting cultural impact using JavaScript. Can you make the next sensation? Hit up these 5 tutorials to get going!
I’m beginning to learn Javascript for a mobile/web puzzle game I wanna make, and this article helped a ton. I remember using w3schools in my web design class during middle-school, they do rule!