Hone your artistic skills by attending one of the very best art schools in the United States.
These 50 art programs provide the knowledge and experience you’ll need to fulfill your dreams of creating for a living.
We’ve included small, large, public, private, and all art colleges in between. We wanted to make sure our list offered opportunities for everyone to pursue their dreams.
Our Ranking Criteria:
- Graduation rates
- Degree Accreditation
- Average starting salary
- Professor reviews
- Reputation and student feedback
- Transferable Credits
The 50 Best Art Colleges
CUNY – Hunter College
Department of Art and Art History
New York, NY
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interview Training
- BFA In Studio Art
- MFA in Studio Art
- Ceramics/clay and Casting
- Sculpture
- Graphics
- Photography
- Combined Media
Hunter’s College is a school with an excellent and long-standing reputation, with their alumni having exhibits in museums all across the world. In addition, every year the college exhibits artwork from their students in a professional public showcase, with media in attendance.
In other words, if a student produces art skillfully enough to impress faculty, they could very well end up garnering a reputation in the art world before their lessons are even finished. In addition, students are taught to help curate and organize the exhibitions themselves, allowing for even more experience in art-related fields.
As for the degrees, Hunter’s offers a BA, BFA, and MA, divided along with two categories; art history and studio art. The Studio Art course allows you to pick a concentration, such as ceramics, sculpture, and painting, so you can make sure that whatever your education is geared towards what the art you like the most.
With fantastic studio facilities and a number of special events held by the college, Hunter’s art program is an excellent way to hone your creativity.
Florida State University
College of Fine Arts
Tallahassee, FL
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Studio Art
- BFA in Studio Art
- Master’s in Studio Art
- Drawing
- 2D and 3D Foundations
- Digital Foundations
- Ceramics
- Design
- Sculpture
- Electronic Media
- Printmaking
- Photography
- Painting
- Mechatronic Art
- 3D Printing
At Florida State, art students get a chance to spread their wings and learn multiple styles of art to discover where they excel the best, all with the best software and equipment. So what exactly can students of Florida State expect to learn?
Well, first they are taught the foundations that go into creating an artist’s unique flavor. It’s important for artists to develop their own style, but equally important to understand composition, form, and expression. Students can expect to learn the foundations of creating both 2-D and 3-D art pieces, both with physical sculpturing and in digital form.
But that’s not all! An 11 person digital photography lab, complete with darkrooms, many varieties of printers, and duplicators, helps students learn the ins and outs of photography and to create prints of their own work. The degrees offered are a BA and a BFA, but only students who are currently working on the BA can have access to the BFA program.
Still, Florida State’s art program is not to be overlooked.
University of Denver
School of Art and History
Denver, CO
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Art
- Minor in Art
- BFA in Studio Art
- 2D and 3D Approaches
- Drawing
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Photography
- Ceramics
- Sculpture
The University of Denver runs “The School of Art & Art History”, and it is a bonafide haven for those with a passion for art. For one thing, they have their own gallery where student works are displayed alongside circulated creations of some of the most famous modern artists. Lecturers, panels, and visits with these artists are often held here, giving students a chance to engage with their profession in a very real way.
For students interested in art history and curation jobs, this gallery gives them a chance to get a leg up over the competition for museum positions. Through their BA in Art program, you’ll get a wide-ranging number of skills in art and critique. Students are able to pick an area of concentration after a certain amount of time in the program and to earn the bachelor’s degree they must complete a minor or another major as well.
This means that no matter what, a student is going to graduate with several artistic disciplines under their belt.
School of Visual Arts
Visual Arts
New York, NY
- BFA in Fine Arts
- Bachelor’s in Cartooning
- Bachelor’s in Animation
- Bachelor’s in Illustration
- Bachelor’s in Photography and Video
- Bachelor’s in Computer Art, Computer Animation, and Visual Effects
- MFA in Fine Arts
- MFA in Computer Art
- Cartooning
- Illustration
- Drawing
- Animation
- Photography
- Video
The school of visual arts, in addition to having impressive programs in computer art, animation, illustration, and design, has certainly earned its name through the fine arts program. In the art world, New York is among the top cities to be in. Taking advantage of this, the school of visual arts allows for both traditional and experimental works to be created. They have a woodshop, metal shop, plastering, ceramics, printmaking facilities, and even 3D printers.
The BFA course in Fine Arts offers to not only show its students how to use these devices to bring out their best work, but how to thrive using your art as a business. Students get to choose their own course outline, so they can branch out and try many different things or stick to what they already know and love. The faculty are all professionals in the art field, and there are enough of them that class sizes are fairly small, and students can pick the faculty that they wish to directly mentor under.
This school is in the beating heart of the art world of New York, so artists, curators, and special guests often come down to visit and offer lectures to students. In addition, seniors have their artwork displayed for the benefit of professionals twice a year in Open Studios. This becomes an excellent networking event where many students find themselves hired directly.
Plus, a number of off-site workshops are regularly held for artist who needs even more specialized equipment to create what they need. Essentially, the fine arts program has a lot of opportunities on display and is certainly worth the time to check out.
University of Florida
School of Art and Art History
Gainesville, FL
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA/BA/Cert/Minor/MFA in Ceramics
- BFA/BA/Minor/MFA in Drawing
- BFA/MFA in Graphic Design
- BFA/BA/Minor/MFA in Painting
- BFA/BA/Minor/MFA in Printmaking
- BFA/BA/Minor/MFA in Sculpture
- BFA/BA/Minor/MFA in Creative Photography
- Painting
- Drawing
- Ceramics
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Photography
- Graphic Design
The College of Arts, run by the University of Florida, has a simple motto on its website. “Your ideas belong here.” Through their huge number of art programs, this really does seem to be the case.
This school offers programs on Art history, Studio Art, and graphic design, each with degrees ranging from the bachelor to master levels. They even have an art education MFA, where students can learn to become teachers in an art field and share their creativity directly with the next generation.
For those who want to become master artists themselves, however, the studio art degrees are a fantastic way to start. Students in this program have access to a foundry, woodshop, studios for both painting and drawing, production studios, printmaking facilities, and more.
Perhaps the most impressive is the ceramics department, which has several types of kiln and a 3D printer. It’s a great school and an excellent program. Of note, however, you will need to have a laptop with specific hardware requirements, though they do offer financial aid for purchasing one.
Still, for everything else students do get access to, this program more than makes up for it.
Michigan State University
Department of Art, Art History, and Design
East Lansing, MI
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Studio Art
- BA in Studio Art
- MA in Fine Arts
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Ceramics
- Sculpture
- Photography
- Drawing
- Color
- 3D Form
Michigan State University is host to a Department of Art, Art History, and Design, an all-in-one facility equipped to prepare its students for a career in the highly competitive art world. Their art program has a number of BA’s, BFA’s, and Master’s in several categories; art history, textile design, studio art, art education, and architecture. There’s even a slew of art minors to choose from, such as art and cultural management and comic art.
Basically, no matter what art career you’re looking for, there is a degree available for you at this school. For example, in Studio Art, the BA program is a liberal arts program focused a bit more on study and theory, while the BFA is specifically for artists who plan to use their skills in an actual career.
In either case, students can expect to learn the foundation principles of art and design, before hitting up different methods and specialties such as photography, painting, and electronic arts. This program will help you become multi-faceted in your styles, so you can adapt to whatever an art career throws your way.
University at Buffalo
The Department of Art
Buffalo, NY
Career Services Offered:
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Fine Arts
- BA in Studio Art
- Minor in Studio Art
- Painting
- Print Media
- Sculpture
- Photography
- Graphic Design
- Drawing
The department of art at the University at Buffalo is a highly inclusive environment, with students from all walks of life coming to share their culture and expressions through their works. Inclusion, diversity, and a welcome learning environment are at the forefront of their mission statement.
As for the programs they offer, they have a number of BA’s in the arts, as well as a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts. This program in particular gives students a lot of hands-on experience, and their facilities have many tools for artists to experiment with.
For example, they actually have several studio art labs; an electronic arts lab, printmaking labs, an audio lab, a huge and very well equipped sculpturing facility, and even a biological arts laboratory.
The faculty consists of highly skilled staff, with awards from a plethora of art institutes. Best of all, students can pick their own particular concentrations, so they can make the most out of their time at this university by focusing on the art most relevant to their future careers.
Artists who wish to make their mark on the world can get quite a head start at this university.
The University of Texas – Dallas
Art and Performance
Richardson, TX
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Visual Arts
- Design
- Painting
- Photography
- Drawing
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
Unlike most other universities, Texas has an interdisciplinary approach to the arts. Students here can expect not only to learn about visual arts but performance art as well. This makes their program perfect for those who don’t just want to focus on painting or sculpture but also want to get a foundation in drama or dance.
That said, each of their nine Bachelor’s of Arts in Visual and Performing Arts degrees has a specific concentration available, so while students will get a little bit of everything, the program will still cater to their specific needs. The visual arts program in particular focuses on design, drawing, printmaking, photography, painting, and sculpting, so there’s no shortage of visual arts in their package.
This makes it a good all-around choice for students who aren’t quite sure which direction they want to go in. They may learn they have skills in areas they never even considered before, and since it’s at the heart of Dallas, there is plenty of opportunity for employment post-graduation.
Montclair State University
Department of Art and Design
Montclair, NJ
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Studio Art
- BFA in Studio Art
- MFA in Studio Art
- Ceramics
- Drawing
- Metal Work/ Jewelry
- Painting
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Figure Drawing
- 2D and 3D design
With national accreditation in all art disciplines, Montclair State University’s College of Arts has become very well established in art circles. The school has live performances, a film institute at their disposal, and most importantly for art students, a huge gallery.
While they have courses for everything from film to music, the Visual Arts Major, a BA degree program, is the most popular for artists. It is a program that is split into two sections; one-third of the time will be spent working in a studio, with the other two-thirds focusing on educating students on the best techniques and practices used in the industry.
It is very much a liberal arts program, so students can expect to graduate with a strong grasp of art theory and history, as well as technical skills in 2-D, 3-D, and even 4-D art, from jewelry to painting. There is quite a lot of collaboration between students in different programs as well, and with the university having several large fully equipped studios spread across multiple buildings, there is always something or someone available to assist. Student work is regularly exhibited in their gallery, and they can expect to build up a sizable portfolio before graduating.
If you’re looking for a school highly dedicated to the future of the arts, you’ve certainly found one.
Pacific Northwest College of Art
Design Arts, Media Arts, and Studio Arts
Portland, OR
- BFA in Design Arts
- BFA in Media Arts
- BFA in Studio Arts
- Illustration
- Photography
- Animation
- Painting + drawing
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Video + Sound
- 3D Design
With a legacy spanning for over a century, the Pacific Northwest College of Art, or PNCA, has been following the newest trends and innovations in the art world for generations. Their mission statement: Prepare students for a life of creative practice.
From animation to creative writing, to video and sound design, there sure is a lot of creative practice to go around. Most relevant to artists however might be the General Fine Arts degrees.
Students can learn multiple forms of studio art practice, with nearly limitless access to the materials and processes they need to develop their creative skills. Students can expect to take two theory classes to help give them a grounding in the industry and how it’s changed over the years, but after that, the program is almost entirely hands-on. Even better, this program gives you the maximum amount of flexibility to determine what core areas of art you want to focus on.
Students have access to every lab, tool, and studio in the school, which has grown quite large after over a century of teaching. Through the General Fine Arts degrees, artists can become an integral part of this legacy.
Pratt Institute School of Art and Design
Undergraduate Fine Arts
Brooklyn, NY
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Fine Arts
- Drawing
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
- Ceramics
- Video
- Photography
- Digital Arts
- Communications Design
- Jewelry
- Charcoal Drawing
- Etching
- Bronze Casting
Pratt Institute is a critically-acclaimed school based in New York. Pratt Institute also boasts award-winning faculty. In addition to one-on-one time with some top practicing artists, you’ll be able to design your own unique course load, charting a one-of-a-kind path to your degree.
Rhode Island School of Design
Department of Fine Arts
Providence, RI
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA/MFA in Graphic Design
- BFA/MFA in Ceramics
- BFA/MFA/Post-Bacc in Glass
- BFA in Illustration
- BFA/MFA/Post-Bacc in Jewelry + Metalsmithing
- BFA/MFA in Painting
- BFA/MFA in Photography
- BFA/MFA in Sculpture
- BFA/MFA in Printmaking
- BFA in Film/Animation/Video
- Drawing
- Painting
- Ceramics
- Illustration
- Graphic Design
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
- Jewelry
- Metalsmithing
- Glass
- Film
- Animation
RISD allows you to explore and collaborate outside of your chosen discipline. You will have a chance to develop your critical thinking skills and your ability to craft, and “make,” inside and outside of your chosen path.
Ringling College of Art and Design
Fine Arts, Game Art, Graphic Design, Illustration, and Computer Animation
Sarasota, FL
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Fine Arts
- BFA in Game Art
- BFA in Graphic Design
- BFA in Illustration
- BFA in Computer Animation
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
- Time-based Art
- 3D Animation
- Graphic Design
- Illustration
- Color
- Composition
- Photography
- Imaging
- Computer Animation
Ringling College places a strong emphasis on storytelling, regardless of which discipline you choose to pursue. Rather than teaching you broadly, Ringling College takes you deep into pre-described niches, fully developing your chosen skillset.
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Art Department
Chicago, IL
- BFA in Studio Art
- Architecture
- Ceramics
- Fashion Design
- Fiber and Material Studies
- Film, Video, New Media, Animation
- Painting and Drawing
- Photography
- Performance
- Print Media
- Sculpture
- Sound
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago will give you a broad education that develops your critical thinking through experimentation and challenging academics.
Yale University School of Art
Yale College
New Haven, CT
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interview Training
- BA in Art
- MFA in Graphic Design
- Graphic Design
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Photography
- Sculpture
- Drawing
- Visual Thinking
- Wood Working
- Metalworking
- Digital Video
- Figure Drawing
- Typography
To get into the Yale College Art program, you need to pass a Sophomore Review. By taking courses at Yale School of Art, you’ll assemble a portfolio. A critical review of this portfolio will determine your eligibility to enter the Art Program.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
School of Art + Design
Champaign, IL
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- Art + Design Minor
- Assorted Art + Design BFAs
- Painting
- Photography
- Typography
- Image-Making
- Coding
- Sound and Video
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign has a number of BFA concentrations to choose from. This University is also accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art + Design.
Suffolk University New England School of Art and Design
Art and Design Department
Boston, MA
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Fine Arts
- Minor in Fine Arts
- Drawing
- 3D Design
- 2D and Color
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
Suffolk University offers smaller class sizes in its Fine Arts Program. This means you’ll get some individual attention with faculty, which can help ensure you get the most out of your academic collegiate experience.
CUNY – City College
Art Department
New York, NY
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Studio Art
- MFA in Studio Art
- Drawing
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Ceramic Design
- Wood design
- 3D Design
City College is another school that offers a broad and solid art foundation, while also allowing you to get focused on areas that appeal to you. You will cover 2- and 3-dimensional art through a variety of media.
Endicott College
Art and Design
Beverly, MA
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Studio Art
- 2D Painting, Drawing, Printmaking
- 3D Ceramics, Sculpture, Installation
- Art Education
- Illustration
- Web Page Design
- Photography
This is another college boasting small class sizes, which not only helps build a tight-knit community within the classroom but also ensures you’re receiving the full value of your professor and his/her instruction.
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Department of Art
Philadelphia, PA
- Certificate in a Fine Arts Discipline
- BFA in a Fine Arts Discipline
- MFA in a Fine Arts Discipline
- Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in a Fine Arts Discipline
- Painting
- Drawing
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Fine Arts Illustration
PAFA promotes serious self-expression when it comes to its Studio Art Programs. Honing in on your own personal artistic calling is the name of the game at PAFA.
Belmont University
Department of Art
Nashville, TN
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Studio Art
- Ceramics
- Drawing
- Figure Drawing
- Painting
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
Belmont University will provide you with the close guidance of an advisor. Your advisor will help you develop your educational path and even your eventual career path. Your advisor will also help keep you on track as you master the fundamentals of art.
Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts
Department of Fine Arts
Old Lyme, CT
- BFA in a Fine Arts Discipline
- Certificate of Fine Arts
- Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Paint and Sculpture
- Drawing
- Illustration
- Painting
- Sculpture
Lyme Academy’s studio curriculum “is centered around the study of nature and human figure.” In addition to a solid academic foundation, you will develop strong thinking skills both critically and creatively.
Brenau University
Art and Design
Gainesville, GA
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Studio Art
- Drawing
- Painting
- Ceramics
- Digital Graphic Design
- Photography
- Sculpture
Brenau University will direct you into one of three concentrations within the studio art program: drawing and painting, ceramics, or sculpture. From there, you’ll begin to develop your own unique style through projects and electives.
University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
Art Department
Chapel Hill, NC
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Studio Art
- BFA in Studio Art
- Photography
- 2D Computer Animation
- Book Art
- Ceramics
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
- Video Art
- Painting
- Drawing
UNC-Chapel Hill’s Art Department is one of the more popular departments at the school. This means that, as a student, you will really have to be dedicated to a studio art education in order to make it into the program. Registering for foundation-level courses can be a challenge, but top-performing students can vie for several spots in the program held in reserve by department advisors.
ArtCenter College of Design
Pasadena, CA
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interview Training
- BFA in Fine Art
- BFA in Painting and Illustration
- BFA in Illustration
- BFA in Graphic Design
- BFA in Photography and Imaging
- MFA in Art
- MFA in Graphic Design
- MFA in Media Design
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Drawing
- Illustration
- Graphic Design
- Photography
ArtCenter will help you fearlessly take risks as you navigate your artistic path. Their mission statement is “Learn to create. Influence change.” As a student you’ll be inspired and encouraged to experiment, getting the most out of your time at ArtCenter.
Art Schools Breakdown Graphic
Virginia Commonwealth University
School of the Arts
Richmond, VA
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interview Training
- BFAs in Art and Design Disciplines
- MFAs in Art and Design Disciplines
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Drawing
- Photography
- Sculpture
- Graphic Design
- Craft and Material Studies
- Fashion
VCU offers several art programs, such as Communication Arts and Painting and Printmaking. Each of these programs focuses on a particular set of skills at the exclusion of a broader field of study. If you’re looking to focus on one particular skill set, VCU could be right for you.
Savannah College of Art and Design
Art and Design
Savannah, GA
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA/BFA/MA/MFA degrees in 42 Different Art and Design Programs
- Animation
- Drawing
- Painting
- Illustration
- Fibers
- Fashion
- Graphic Design
- Jewelry
- Game Development
- Motion Media Design
- Printmaking
- Photography
- Sound Design
- Urban Design
- User Experience Design
- Visual Effects
SCAD has over 40 programs/disciplines to choose from, as well as over 70 minors and certificate programs. In addition to eLearning, SCAD has four locations at which you can study, with most programs providing the opportunity to jump around from place to place.
Corcoran College of Art and Design
Art Department
Washington, DC
- BFA in Fine Arts
- BFA in Digital Media Design
- MFA in Fine Arts
- BA in Art History + Fine Arts
- Drawing
- Painting
- Photography
- 3D Animation
- Character Design
- Sound Design
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
- Ceramics
The BFA degrees at the Corcoran School will prepare you for artistic work in any medium. The combination BA degree will let you develop your research and writing skills while also honing your artistic abilities.
Appalachian State University
Department of Art
Boone, NC
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Art and Visual Culture
- Drawing
- Clay
- Fibers
- Metalsmithing
- Jewelry Design
- Painting
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
Foundational design and drawing requirements make sure you get off on the right foot for your time at Appalachian State University. You’ll also need to study a foreign language, and study a minor in a program outside of the visual arts.
Memphis College of Art
Department of Art
Memphis, TN
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Fine Arts
- BFA in Design Arts
- BFA in Illustration
- BFA in Painting/Drawing
- BFA in Animation
- BFA in Photography
- Drawing
- Painting
- Metalwork
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Comic Illustration
- Illustration
- Animation
Graduating class sizes at Memphis College of Art are small. In 2014, there were 85 graduates. In the two years prior to that, there were 92 graduates.
Of the 67 people to respond to a post-graduation survey in 2014, 95% were working in any field. And 82% of respondents claimed they were working in an art-related field. Small class size and decent placement rates make this art college a good option.
Columbus College of Art and Design
Department of Fine Arts
Columbus, OH
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Interview Training
- Undergraduate Degree in Fine Arts
- Undergraduate Degree in Animation
- Undergraduate Degree in Illustration
- Master of Fine Arts
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Jewelry
- Ceramics
- Drawing
- Glass
- 2D and 3D Animation
- Digital Modeling
Excellently outfitted studios and work labs mean you’ll have plenty of opportunities to explore artistic creation in all kinds of ways. If you choose CCAD, be prepared to give, and receive, critically honest reviews based on your work and the work of your peers.
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Department of Art and Design
Boston, MA
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interview Training
- BFA Degrees
- MFA in Fine Arts
- MFA in Media Arts
- Animation
- Ceramics
- Fashion Design
- Fibers
- Film and Video
- Glass
- Illustration
- Metalsmithing
- Painting
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
Massachusetts College of Art and Design is actually the first Art School to have ever granted a degree. It is also the nation’s first independent public college of art and design. With that kind of history, it’s no wonder they have such extensive course offerings.
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design
Department of Art and Design
Lakewood, CO
- BFA in Fine Arts
- BFA in Illustration
- BFA in Animation
- Certificate in 3D Animation
- Painting
- Sculpting
- Photography + Video
- Ceramics
- Illustration
- Animation
- Drawing
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design will have you working with a mentor one-on-one. This mentor will provide guidance and feedback as the two of you tailor your education path. This means your education can (and will) be significantly different from the other students in the program.
Cranbrook Academy of Art
Academy of Art
Bloomfield Hills, MI
- 2D Design
- 3D Design
- Architecture
- Ceramics
- Fiber
- Metalsmithing
- Painting
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Woodworking
Look at this quote from the New York Times: “the effect of Cranbrook and its graduates and faculty on the physical environment of this country has been profound…Cranbrook, surely more than any other institution, has a right to think of itself as synonymous with contemporary American design.” There you go, if you can handle that kind of social pressure and influence, give Cranbrook a look!
California College of the Arts
Art Department
San Francisco, CA
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Animation
- BFA in Ceramics
- BFA in Film
- BFA in Fashion Design
- BFA in Glass
- BFA in Furniture
- BFA in Jewelry/Metal Arts
- BFA in Painting/Drawing
- BFA in Printmaking
- BFA in Sculpture
- BFA in Photography
- MFA in Fine Arts
- MFA in Comics
- Animation
- Drawing
- Painting
- Ceramics
- Glass
- Metalworking
- Woodworking
- Jewelry
- Printmaking
- Fashion
- Storytelling
- Sculpture
- Photography
- Illustration
If you’re looking to make “art that matters” then CCA is the college for you. They place an emphasis on creating society-affecting work, with an effort to engage communities around the world. If being innovative in order to create social impact excites you, definitely give CCA a look.
Temple University
Tyler School of Art
Philadelphia, PA
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA/MFA in Ceramics
- BFA/MFA in Fibers and Material Studies
- BFA/MFA in Glass
- BFA/MFA in Metals/Jewelry
- BFA/MFA in Painting and Drawing
- BFA/MFA in Photography
- BFA/MFA in Printmaking
- BFA/MFA in Sculpture
- Painting
- Drawing
- Ceramics
- Glass
- Metalworking
- Jewelry
- Fibers
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
Temple University’s Tyler School of Art is another of the many art schools on this list that really lets you define your own path. Plenty of electives within the arts program lets you cultivate your strengths. The emphasis on interdisciplinary pursuits will help you develop your collaborative skills, as well as strengthen your creative problem-solving abilities.
Columbia College Chicago
Fine and Performing Arts
Chicago, IL
- BA in Fine Arts
- BFA in Fine Arts
- MA in Interdisciplinary Arts
- MFA in Interdisciplinary Arts and Media
- MFA in Interdisciplinary Book and Paper Arts
- MA in Interdisciplinary Arts – Summer Intensive
- Web Design
- Sewing
- Color Theory
- Silkscreening
- Drawing
- Photoshop
- Illustration
- Figure Drawing
- Mold Making
- 3D Printing
- Painting
Columbia College will focus on teaching you progressive and innovative approaches in the field today. There are a number of interesting foundational courses to choose from to broaden your skills before you’re required to focus intently on your niche.
Webster University
Department of Art, Design, and Art History
St. Louis, MO
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Various Art Disciplines with Studio Emphasis
- BA in Animation
- MA in Art
- Ceramics
- Drawing
- Painting
- Photography
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Animation
Webster University’s Department of Art, Design, and Art History works closely with artistic institutions around the St. Louis area: St. Louis Art Museum, Laumeier Sculpture Park, and the Contemporary Art Museum, to name a few. These connections, along with others, provide you with internship opportunities as well as guest speaker opportunities.
Pacific Union College
Department of Visual Arts
Angwin, CA
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA/BA/Minor in Fine Art
- BFA/BA/Minor in Graphic Design
- BFA/BA/Minor in Photography
- Color
- Ceramics
- Glass
- Figure Painting
- Painting
- Drawing
- 3D Design
With a student-teacher ratio of 13:1, you’re sure to get the one-on-one time that you need to succeed in your artistic pursuits. You’ll also have access to performances and art in the nearby Bay Area and Napa Valley.
Portland State University
School of Art + Design
Portland, OR
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Art Practices
- BS in Art Practices
- Drawing
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Graphic Design
- Sculpture
- Digital Art
Your first year is foundational at Portland State University. Your second year includes a bit more experimentation. Your third and fourth years are all about honing in on your specific discipline(s).
Illinois State University
College of Fine Arts
Normal, IL
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Studio Arts with Concentrations
- BFA in Studio Arts with Concentrations
- Master of Fine Arts in Art
- Master of Arts in Visual Culture
- Ceramics
- Drawing
- Expanded Media
- Painting
- Glass
- Photography
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
- Video
- Wood/Metalworking
Enrollment at Illinois State University puts you into the corresponding BA or BS program of whatever field you’re interested in. The BFA program is a highly selective one, which ensures you will be greatly prepared to either continue your education or hit the working world at a run.
University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee
Department of Art and Design
Milwaukee, WI
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Community Art
- BA in Studio Art
- BA in Digital Fabrication + Design
- BFA in Art with Specialization
- Drawing
- 3D Design
- 2D Design
- Photography
- Color Studies
- Typography
- Fibers
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Metalsmithing
- Printmaking
All students in the Art and Design program have to enter the First Year Program, which is designed to broadly develop your technical skills, your creativity, and your community engagement. You will be meeting with your studio class for a minimum of five hours a week for small studio critiques and personal instruction.
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Department of Art and Design
Minneapolis, MN
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Fine Arts Studio with a concentration
- BFA in Comic Art
- Sculpture
- Animation
- Drawing
- Painting
- Illustration
- Photography
Up-to-date facilities and equipment make MCAD a great place to go. Minneapolis is an art-oriented location, and as a student, you will be close to and should take advantage of, places like the Minneapolis Institute of Art.
University of Texas – Austin
Department of Art and Art History
Austin, TX
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Studio Art
- BA in Studio Art
- MFA in Studio Art
- Painting + Drawing
- Photography
- Sculpture + Extended Media
- Transmedia
This art college is for students exclusively looking to study broadly, experimenting with multiple mediums. The UT Austin website states quite candidly that “students who desire to study in just one medium for an undergraduate degree may want to consider other studio art programs.”
Boston University
College of Fine Arts
Boston, MA
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA/MFA in Painting
- BFA/MFA in Printmaking
- BFA/MFA in Sculpture
- BFA/MFA in Graphic Design
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Drawing
Unlike some other schools offering studio art programs, the Boston University College of Fine Arts offers fine arts programs that follow narrower paths. If you prefer to focus intently on one specific medium, Boston University might be a good option.
Northern Illinois University
School of Art and Design
DeKalb, IL
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BA in Art
- BFA in Studio Art
- Minor in Art
- Drawing
- Photography
- 2D Animation
- 3D Animation
- Typography
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Illustration
- Sculpture
- Metalwork
- Ceramics
Cost of attendance (tuition and board) is $26,000 for in-state students and $35,000 for out-of-state students. Those prices are on the low-side of similar universities, but the education is still top-notch. If you’re looking for a good deal, give Northern Illinois University a look.
North Carolina State University
Department of Art and Design
Raleigh, NC
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- Bachelor of Art and Design: Animation + Interactive Media
- Bachelor of Art and Design: Fashion + Fibers
- Bachelor of Art in Design Studies
- Art + Design Minor
- Master of Art and Design: Animation + Interactive Media
- Master of Art and Design: Fashion + Fibers
- Storyboarding
- Wireframing
- Prototyping
- Storytelling
- Weaving + knitting
- Sculpture
- Photography
- Drawing
- Painting
- Color
The faculty and the program at North Carolina State University will encourage you as a student to take risks as you experiment with your artistic side. Expression of emotions and ideas are also a primary focus in the program.
University of Washington – Seattle
School of Art, Art History, and Design
Seattle, WA
- Co-Op Education
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Career/Job Search Classes
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- BFA in Painting and Drawing
- BFA in Photomedia
- BA in Interdisciplinary Visual Arts
- BFA in 3D4M (3D Forum)
- Ceramics
- Fibers
- Metalworking
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Photography
- Drawing
The University of Washington is a school that will foster in you an experimental approach to problem-solving. If the idea of researching and questioning existing information to arrive at better solutions excites you, UW might just be the right art school for you.
San Diego State University
School of Art, Design, and Art History
San Diego, CA
- On-Campus Job Interviews
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- Alumni Network
- Interest Inventory
- Interview Training
- Bachelor’s Degree in Studio Art
- Bachelor’s Degree in Graphic Design
- Bachelor’s Degree in Sculpture
- Bachelor’s Degree in Multimedia
- Drawing
- Painting
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
- Ceramics
- Jewelry
- Graphic Design
- Metalsmithing
- Furniture
- Photography
San Diego State University has a wide array of updated facilities for you to use, whether you need the foundry or the computer lab. The school also hosts a number of student organizations, your involvement in which could expand the value you get out of your time there.
Oregon College of Art and Craft
Department of Art and Craft
Portland, OR
- Internships
- Resume Assistance
- BFA in Craft
- MFA in Craft
- MFA in Applied Craft + Design
- Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Craft
- The Certificate in Craft
- Book and Print
- Ceramics
- Cross Media
- Digital Strategies
- Drawing and Painting
- Fibers
- Functional Object
- Metalworking
- Woodworking
- Photography
- Sculpture
OCAC offers a Certificate in Craft, which is essentially just studying a discipline in-depth without having to take the accompanying credits to earn a full BFA. If you have already earned a Bachelor’s degree, but want to learn an art discipline, the Certificate in Craft is a great option.
The 20 Best Online Art Colleges
Getting an art degree is easier than ever because so many schools are offering the majority of their program, or the entire program online.
This list contains 20 schools that are great online options for pursuing your art degree. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it’s a great place to start so you can see the kinds of programs that are out there.
Academy of Art University
- Animation
- Drawing
- Graphic Design
- Storytelling
- Game Design
- Illustration
- New Media
- Web Page Design
- Art History
The AAU online program is a flexible, go-at-your-own-pace, part-time or full-time, “whatever you have to do to make it work” kind of program. That, combined with its extensive course offerings, makes it a worthwhile art school to take a look at.
Liberty University Online
- BFA in Graphic Design
- Publication Design
- Vector Illustration
- Typography
- Animation
- Fundamentals of Design
This program is 100% online and will provide you with an art history overview as well as a hands-on digital art experience.
Arizona State University
- BA in Art History
- Art History
- Visuality
- Aesthetics
- Art Production
- Art Consumption
The program costs $500 per credit hour. No additional fees are charged for the program, but some additional university fees might be charged to you.
Full Sail University
- BS in Computer Animation
- Bachelor’s of Graphic Design
- MFA in Media Design
- Storyboarding
- Sketching
- Modeling
- Character Animation
- Final Compositing
- Drawing
- Sculpting
- Computer Animation
- Storytelling
The Online BS in Computer Animation program is a 32-month program. The course covers everything from storytelling to taking “your artwork from page to screen.”
Bellevue University
- BA in Graphic Design
- Design basics
- Print Design
- Web Design
- Branding
- Web Page Design
Bellevue is an accredited school, receiving its accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission, operating through the U.S. Department of Education. You will need to meet the specific computer hardware and software requirements in order to participate in this online degree program.
Community College of Allegheny County
- Certificate in Digital Design
- Graphic Design
- Photography
- Imaging
- Web Graphic Design
- Color Theory
This program is brand new, being offered for the first time this summer (2016). It will provide you with web design, print, and photography skills.
Community College of Vermont
- AA in Graphic Design
- Design
- Color
- Composition
- Typography
- Illustration
- Drawing
- Web Page Design
If you like the idea of using the computer as your art-making tool and want to get your Associate’s Degree completely online, the Graphic Design Program at CCV is worth examining.
Desales University
- Certificate in Digital Art
- Webpage Design
- Digital Art
- Multimedia
- Adobe Photoshop
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe After Effects
- Adobe Indesign
- 2D Design
If you want to earn a certificate in digital art quickly, Desales University is a good option. The program requires that you take six courses, and you’ll learn digital design skills and get experience using a number of Adobe’s most popular editing products.
Eastern Illinois University
- MA in Art Education
- MA in Community Arts
- Typography
- Visualization
- Motion Graphics
- Painting
- Art Education
- Printmaking
- Ceramics
- Digital Media
- Drawing
- Sculpture
Both degrees work to prepare you for a future in art instruction. While the majority of the classwork can be completed online, both MA tracks require that you meet up for one week over the summer with the rest of your class to complete your degree’s studio art component.
National University
- BA in Digital Media Design
- Leading software
- Motion Graphics
- Web Design
- Game Design
- Video Editing
- 3D Modeling for Game Art
- Game Scripting
- Storytelling
This Bachelor’s Degree program is available completely online. You’ll be exposed to the latest software being used in some relevant fields. You’ll learn how to work with clients, how to create ethically, and how to generate and design digital media projects.
Northwestern State University of Louisiana
- MA in Art (Fine and Graphic Arts)
- Graphic Design
- Painting
- Drawing
- Photography
- Fiber Arts
- Ceramics
- Printmaking
- Sculpture
The MA program requires 33 hours, and you are able to take 27 of them online. You are also required to attend either one semester at the beginning of your degree, or attend two summer sessions that each last three weeks.
Penn Foster College
- Associate Degree in Graphic Design
- Graphic Design and Production
- Multimedia Development
- Streaming Technology
- Adobe Software Animation
- Photo image editing
Penn Foster College is a flexible online art program that lets you move at your own pace. The Adobe software you need for the curriculum is included in the program.
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design
- Bachelor’s in 3D Animation
- Bachelor’s in Illustration
- Bachelor’s in Graphic Design
- Bachelor’s in Game Art
- 3D Computer Animation
- 3D Modeling
- Digital Sculpting
- Character Rigging
- Game Animation
- Digital Painting
- Drawing
- 2D Design
- Color + Space
- Illustration
- Graphic Design
RMCAD has a “state-of-the-art” Learning Management System or LMS for short. It’s a powerful, intuitive tool that you’ll use to learn and interact with your classmates and professors.
Rochester Community and Technical College
- AA in Art
- AS in Graphic Design
- AS in Web Design
- Certificate in Photography
- Certificate in Digital Arts
- Certificate in Mobile Application Development
- Certificate in Motion Graphics
- Drawing
- 2D Design
- 3D Design
- Painting
- Ceramics
- Photography
- Lighting Techniques
- Graphic Design
- Typography
- Digital Art
- Animation
- 3D Modeling
- Web Design
- Motion Graphics
RCTC has a wealth of online programs to choose from, whether you want to be a studio artist, a web designer, a photographer, or anything in between, RCTC’s online program offerings pretty much have you covered.
Savannah College of Art and Design
- MA/MFA in Animation
- BA/BFA/Certificate/Minor/MA/MFA in Graphic Design
- MA/MFA in Illustration
- BA/MA/MFA/Minor in Interactive Design and Game Development
- MA/MFA in Motion Media Design
- MFA in Painting
- BA/MA/MFA/Minor in Photography
- BA in Sequential Art
- Drawing
- Painting
- Illustration
- 2D Animation
- 3D Animation
- Graphic Design
- Game Design
- Motion Media
- Photography
Online courses at SCAD are accessible 24 hours a day and seven days a week. You’ll have due dates for your assignments and class discussion in which you should participate.
SUNY Empire State College
- AA in the Arts
- AS in the Arts
- BA in the Arts
- Sculpture
- Digital Art and Design
- Illustration
- Digital Storytelling
- Photography
Another flexible program, work at your own pace within deadlines set for specific projects. Correspondence with staff is through a learning portal program called Moodlerooms.
University of Advancing Technology
- BA in Game Design
- BA in Game Art and Animation
- Game Design
- Game Art
- Animation
- Interactive Storytelling
- Game Balancing
- Interface Design
- Play Testing
According to UAT, it is named a top game design institution, consistently. If you have trouble staying on track on your own, UAT offers a highly-structured program to keep you engaged.
University Of Massachusetts – Lowell
- Certificate in Graphic Design and Digital Imaging
- Graphic Design
- Typography
- Photographic Imaging
- Website Design
- Print Production
- Multimedia
- Advertising Design
The certificate is available entirely online. The program also features tutorials and experience with various Adobe software.
Can You Get An Art Degree Online?
Yes! Along with many other degrees, art degrees are not only achievable online, but for some, it may be a more comfortable setup and system than traditional art classes at a college or university.
If you think that online school doesn’t include significant schools and universities, you’re sadly mistaken, as not only do major universities have robust online programs in general, but many have online art components as well.
What Can You Do With An Art Degree?
The possibilities are amazing and extremely nonlinear. You can apply to various art jobs in many different industries, and the list is long. This includes graphic design, advertising, gaming art design, concept artist, freelance artist, art professor, animator, and even an interior designer.
The beautiful thing about online art degrees is the freedom they grant those who earn them.
Online schools have some of the best instructors and professors I’ve experienced. I should know; I got my degree entirely online!
Online Art Degree Program Map
The different pathways through an art degree vary depending on where you attend or plan to attend. Some of these pathways can even begin in the latter part of high school with the help of an advisor or counselor.
However, let’s break down what a general path could potentially look like for you if you decided to pursue an online art degree. Here’s the basic breakdown you’ll usually see.
This can vary by school, especially online courses. To distill everything down more simply, I’ll refer to the culmination of all of the varied and uniquely different programs as ‘phases,’ as each school has a different set of semesters, years, and plans.
- First phase
- In the first phase, you’ll usually engage in courses that teach you the fundamentals in different art fields. This could be in the form of classes like ‘drawing I,’ ‘Art History I,’ ‘Photography I,’ and other similar courses that aim to introduce the student to the concepts and fundamentals.
- Included with these classes are your usual general education credits like math classes and the like.
- Second phase
- The second term in school will test what you’ve learned in the fundamental classes and take it a step further. Think of this as the ‘medium’ difficult in your schooling journey.
- Third phase
- The third phase can range from the most advanced classes to a fully-fledged internship. This is usually where all of your skills are put to the ultimate test, culmination in graduation, and earning your art degree.
Okay, but how much is a Bachelor’s Degree in Art?
That depends. Things like your financial situation, in addition to how much financial aid you can acquire before attending, will determine much of the cost of your online art degree.
A particularly useful aspect of earning an online art degree rather than in person is the amount of freedom you have to pursue other aspects of life. Perhaps you already have a job, either part-time or full time, that occupies so much of your time that you wouldn’t usually be able to attend a class. If you’re supporting your family, this especially comes in handy.
As with all colleges and universities, you will need your high school diploma or G.E.D. equivalent to the bare minimum for gaining admission into these schools.
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